Odontogenic Intracranial Epidural Abscess: report of two cases and review of literature

Abscesso Epidural Intracraniano Odontogênico: relato de dois casos e revisão da literatura

  • Bruno Jeneru Arekhandia 1    Bruno Jeneru Arekhandia 1
  • Edward Olaoluwa Jolayemi 1    Edward Olaoluwa Jolayemi 1
  • Ifezue Uzoma Chinedu 2    Ifezue Uzoma Chinedu 2
  • Clement Oluwarotimi 3    Clement Oluwarotimi 3
  • John Olutola Olatosi 2 4    John Olutola Olatosi 2 4
  • Okezie Obasi Kanu 1 5    Okezie Obasi Kanu 1 5
  Views: 719
  Downloads: 83


Abscessos epidurais são formas raras de supuração intracraniana. Infecção oral e manipulações dentárias são fontes potenciais de abscessos epidurais intracranianos. Portanto, as fontes odontogênicas de infecção devem sempre ser consideradas nas supurações intracranianas. As apresentações clínicas de abscessos epidurais intracranianos em crianças geralmente são inespecíficas e representam um dilema diagnóstico, assim como o isolamento dos organismos causadores. A abordagem multidisciplinar da gestão garante excelentes resultados. A administração parenteral de antibióticos potentes de amplo espectro e a evacuação meticulosa do abscesso e sua fonte são essenciais para o sucesso da terapia. Dois casos de abscessos epidurais intracranianos de origem odontogênica são apresentados com uma revisão da literatura.


Abscesso epidural; Odontogênico; Antibióticos; Craniotomia; Orifício de trepanação; Nigéria


Epidural abscesses are rare forms of intracranial suppurations. Oral infection and dental manipulations are potential sources of intracranial epidural abscesses. Therefore, odontogenic sources of infection should always be considered in intracranial suppurations. Clinical presentations of intracranial epidural abscesses in children are usually non-specific and pose a diagnostic dilemma just as isolation of the causative organisms. Multidisciplinary approach to management ensures excellent outcome. Parenteral administration of potent broad-spectrum antibiotics and meticulous evacuation of the abscess and its source are essential to successful therapy. Two cases of intracranial epidural abscesses of odontogenic sources are presented with a review of literature.


Epidural abscess; Odontogenic; Antibiotics; Craniotomy; Burr hole; Nigeria


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1Department of Surgery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria.

2Department of Anaesthesia, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos State, Nigeria.

3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Idi-Araba, Lagos State, Nigeria.

4Department of Anaesthesia, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Idi-Araba, Lagos State, Nigeria.

5Neurosurgery Division, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Idi-Araba, Lagos State, Nigeria.


Received June 23, 2022

Accepted July 28, 2024

JBNC  Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery

  •   ISSN (print version): 0103-5118
  •   e-ISSN (online version): 2446-6786
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